September 21, 2010

Drunken Glory Movement

My life has gotten a lot happier since God spoke to my heart about White Lines and Bees months before I ever heard of John Crowder and Benjamin Dunn.  In fact, someone I trust; Stacey Campbell, has confirmed my outlandish expereinces as being the next move of God on the earth: Ecstacy of experiencing God.  I am now a committed blogger of my everyday life as a 'Glory Bee' and hope to make a daily devotional for drunks when I have enough material to fill a year-long book.


Trasy Yvon :)

September 19, 2010 "N Da Glowray"

My Testimony

I heard 'White Line' from Grandmaster Flash circa 1983.  I heard it in my spirit in the mornings last summer.  It startled me and I prayed with friends and asked God what it meant, since I have been delivered from drugs years ago.  I would see a bee on my car by my door handle or my daughters.  It startled me because of their symbolism in dreams.

In 2004 I saw the number 5 everywhere.  I felt like something huge was coming in to my life from God in 2009.

It was the Drunken Glory

A young man came through my church and talked about how his only ministry is to 'drink and leak' and staying in the bliss of Heaven!

Well, I drove home, saw white lines on the road, and heard God speak to my heart: "They're allll your's!!!!" I was sooo excited!  I started to breathe in His holiness and felt really joyful.  I recently learned that Myrrh is actually a drug and it is a stimulant.  Jesus is truly the strength of my heart because the Joy of the Lord is my strength!

Bees: I watched John Crowder on YouTube about Drone Bees: they consume, they aren't worker bees.  Right when I heart him, the Lord quickened me by saying I want you to be a freeloader in the Spirit and have a lot to give away.  Ok Lord.  No problem!

I have been pretty challenged to stay on track with this new move of God.  People and my own doubts have tried to 'sober me up'.  When I surveyed everything I have heard and seen, it all came down to fruit.

When I am drunk in His Glory, I am the best person I have ever been.  I am a very patient mother.  I am a more considerate driver.  I am a loving and forgiving church member.  I don't spend my money wastefully....etc....

I love my church and I want to be a blessing wherever I go.  I enjoy being part of a local church, and look forward to meeting more people in the Glory :)

I want to have Holy Raves eventually! Let me know if you are interested in coming to one and I'll let you know when they start.

September 18, 2010 "N Da Glowray"

We're going to get drunk on something.

Why not God?

Hard work, getting paid, and spending money all alter out moods.
Relationships alter our moods.
TV, music, and activities alter our moods.
Eating, drinking, and smoking alter our moods.

Apparantly, God wired us toward feeling good.

I want the Holy Spirit to be the only spirit I am altered by.  Jesus told us to eat His body and drink His blood.  I don't know about you, but it sounds like we're supposed to do a lot of consuming! 

September 20, 2010 "N Da Glowray"

It has been a challenge to remain in the bliss of Jesus.  Discouragement, confusion, and condemnation have been the wood and hay that has tried to cover my well of wine.  It has helped to watch YouTube and get into the word.  My destiny is drunkeness. Now I know that. 

September 21, 2010 "N Da Glowray"


The Hebrew commandment from Song of Songs 5:1. BE DRUNK.  Let yourself enjoy the one who invented joy: Jesus